To be eligible for membership in the Claiborne Society, one must be of Claiborne (spelled variously) heritage or married to one. It is not necessary to have the surname Claiborne. An applicant shall be eligible for membership upon submission of the application form and payment of the registration fee and dues.
- Currently the registration fee is $20 and the dues $10 per year. Membership runs October 1 to September 30.
Lifetime Membership: This is a onetime payment of $200 plus $20 registration fee.
- If you are eligible to be a Society member, fill out the application form and mail it with your check (either $30 or $220) to the address shown on the application form. Your membership application will be acknowledged.
- Dues Payment Form
Submit to:
Douglas L. Edgmon
Membership Chairman
P.O. Box 905
Waldport, OR, 97394
Email: dledgmon@peak.org